It will take a partnership between business and education to create a solid workforce. Using the guides below, you can view best practices from other districts, internship program ideas, as well as other helpful resources for working together to give students in your community the Oklahoma Edge.
Business and Education Partnership Toolkit
Benefits of Business and Education Partnerships Districts that build relationships with the business community are able to see firsthand the impact made on their schools, students, and community. This resource shows how students, K-12 educators, and employers benefit from partnerships.
Glossary of Terms This resource defines common terminology used by business, community and education.
Employability Skills Rubric The resource can help students identify which employability skills they will focus on developing during their work-based (WBL) learning experiences. This resource can also help educators, business and community partners measure the progression of a student’s employability skills during WBL experiences.
Employability Skills Assessment One component of a student’s Individual Career Academic Planning (ICAP) is to connect their skills and interests with real world experiences. This resource allows students to take a self-assessment to consider which skills are most relevant to their career goals or desired career field. Place the employability skills assessment in the electronic portfolio for a student’s Individual Career Academic Planning (ICAP).
Sample Partnership Calendar: Grades K-12 Planning for an entire school year and creating a calendar to share with business and community partners can improve coordination and planning efforts for both parties. This resource shows suggested monthly partnership activities.
Sample Partnership Development / Agreement – Request for Business & Community Engagement This is a customizable partnership development / agreement school districts can use to request local business and community engagement.
Sample Partnership Letter – Request for Business & Community Engagement This is a customizable partnership letter school districts can use to request local business and community engagement.
Work Sample Reflection Sheet Template One component of a student’s Individual Career Academic Planning (ICAP) is to connect their skills and interests with real world experiences. This suggested resource can help students reflect upon their work-based learning (WBL) experiences and show students how WBL can help achieve their career goals. Place this work sample reflection sheet template in the electronic portfolio for a student’s Individual Career Academic Planning (ICAP).
Sample Partner Commitment Card This resource shows suggested ways business and community can commit to partnering with local school districts.
Tribal Educational Agency (TEA) – Appropriate Leadership List K-12 school districts can initiate or continue relationships with their local tribal nations by contacting appropriate tribal leaders. This helpful guide shows appropriate leaders to contact at each Oklahoma Tribal Educational Agency.
Employer Guide to Work-Based Learning Employers can use work-based learning opportunities like apprenticeships and internships to attract new talent, fill vacancies in areas where skills gaps have made hiring difficult and build a specialized talent pipeline to sustain future workforce needs. This helpful guide allows employers to explore work-based learning opportunities and consider which type might be the right fit for their workforce needs.
Education Beyond the Classroom – Benefits of Work Based Learning This guide is full of resources that will help you plan the best Work Based Learning opportunities for your students.